If you've been trying to get some construction work done locally in the past year, you've probably noticed some sharp rises in construction costs or bids. There's a definite reason for that. The cost of many essential materials has been going through the roof! Will the same trends continue? We have some thoughts on the construction material cost forecast for 2021. It is crucial to consider if you're looking at a new building or even a remodeling project.
Most of the jump in material costs that have impacted commercial buildings comes from four main places: wood, metal, rebar, and concrete. Logistical and transportation challenges due to the COVID pandemic in 2020 have made some significant building materials scarce. For Instance, in some communities, suppose you are looking for your favorite canned soda. Come to find that your local market no longer has canned soda. This issue is due to the scarcity of aluminum.
It's a non-construction example, but it shows that many things that have been generally taken for granted have been disrupted. When people are sick and can no longer work or even have died because of COVID, products like concrete gets held up. As we all know, when products are or appear to be limited, the prices go up—simple supply and demand.
If you haven't heard about what is going on with the lumber industry, you will see it. Wood has increased to new heights in 2021, and it looks like it is not slowing down. From the start of April 2020 through April 2021, the price of lumber has jumped 375%. With the pandemic and increase demand from DIY projects and the housing industry. The mills can't keep up. On April 26th, 2021, the average lumber price is $1,372 per 1,000 board feet.
Rebar is another major one, and you can't just "grab more rebar." This material is vital for a variety of necessary expansion and construction projects throughout the world. The material can be bid up to ridiculous amounts by massive projects, making a limited supply even more expensive.
Considering how important these materials are, it's easy to see why things are so expensive. It would be nice to say things will get better (and eventually they will). The early signs for 2021 are a bit rough when it comes to construction costs. In other words, things are likely to get worse for at least some of these supplies before they get better. It is wise to work with an honest company with deep ties to the material industry so that your construction costs make sense.
Some things might get cheaper, but concrete will be in even more demand in particular. There are still many, many commercial projects in the works, and the record-breaking hot market is not slowing down. That means even as things get back to normal, there will already be pent-up demand for concrete. Still, the newly increased demand for new projects means concrete is likely to stay expensive or get even more so. On the other hand, as more work has gone remote, some demand for new commercial buildings could slow down. Steel or other building materials other than concrete may go up. This increase may be due to landlords of vacant office buildings needing tenant improvement construction work done to accommodate new industries in their facilities.
The construction material cost forecast for 2021 will continue to change until people, and the world gets back to producing and shipping materials like before. The demand for new buildings and housing is still going strong. So it's likely to be a tiny bit more expensive for at least the short term, unfortunately. However, it is not going to break your bank.
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